John Galliano

John Galliano

John Galliano insists his "addiction" to alcohol and his use of strong medication led to a headline-grabbing bar outburst that cost him his job and his reputation.
The disgraced couturier is accused of hurling a tirade of anti-Semitic and racist abuse at Geraldine Bloch and her partner, Philippe Virgitti, in an altercation during a night out in Paris, France in February (11).
It is alleged he used the word 'Jewish' in an insulting manner "at least 30 times" and called Virgitti a "f**king Asian b**tard" during the 45-minute rant.
Galliano, who was sacked as head designer at Christian Dior following his arrest in relation to the outburst, told a court in Paris on Wednesday (22Jun11) he is not anti-Semitic and is sorry for his behaviour in the bar.
He said, "All my life I have fought against prejudice, intolerance and discrimination, having been subjected to it myself. These (anti-Semitic insults) are not the sentiments of John Galliano. I do not have these views and I have never held them."
Earlier, Galliano told the hearing he has been battling a drink problem since 2007 and often mixed alcohol with Valium, sleeping pills, and barbiturates.
He added, "I have an addiction. I am a recovering alcoholic, a recovering addict."

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