Katie Holmes

Katie Holmes

Katie Holmes Upsets Kidman With Mommy Talk....

Katie Holmes has served up a slap in the face for Nicole Kidman, by revealing the Aussie actress' two adopted kids call her 'Mom'.Just weeks after confessing her kids - Isabella, 16, and Connor, 12 - refuse to call her anything but 'Nicole', the new Mrs. Tom Cruise admits she has bonded with the youngsters.In a recent interview, Kidman confessed, "My kids don't call me mommy, they don't even call me mom. They call me Nicole, which I hate and tell them off for it".So, the actress, who plays an ice-cold villain in new family film The Golden Compass, won't enjoy reading the new issue of Parade magazine, in which Holmes coos about life with her husband and his adopted kids.She says, "His children are incredible, really smart and kind. They call me 'Mom'".

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