Lane Garrison

Lane Garrison

Lane Garrison is seeking comfort in the arms of ex-girlfriend Kristin Chenoweth as he readjusts to life on the outside following his recent prison stint.

The former Prison Break star was locked up in November 2007 for a drink driving incident in December 2006, which left a 17-year-old passenger dead.

He was due to serve 40 months behind bars in California on charges of vehicular manslaughter and driving under the influence of cocaine and alcohol, but was released early in April (09) for good behavior.

And Garrison, who has enrolled himself in a rehabilitation center to kick his drug habit, has reportedly reignited his love affair with actress Chenoweth after she reached out to him with heartfelt letters while in prison.

A source tells America's Star magazine, "They're not taking it public until they're sure it's going to work. Whatever happens, they'll always be friends."

The couple first dated in 2006.