Rachael Leigh Cook, Adoption

Rachael Leigh Cook, Adoption

Hollywood star Rachael Leigh Cook will adopt a child within the next few years, and has already looked into the logistics of doing so. The 27-year-old and her actor husband Daniel Gillies still want to have a biological child, but want to help a kid from a developing country.She says, "We've talked about adopting. We have looked into a couple of countries. I don't think it's going to happen this year, but in the next five. "I know that I have a lot to give emotionally, and if I can put a roof over a child's head, he or she is going to be a lot better off. It's the right thing to do."Celebrity adoption is still the in craze amongst Hollywood stars with Madonna's controversial adoption of Malawi born baby David last year. Actress Angelina Jolie has really paved the way for celebrity adoption by having three adopted children of her own, with a fourth rumoured. has since denied. Desperate Housewives actress Eva Longoria and singer Jennifer Lopez were also rumoured to be interested in adopting a child. A claim Lopez

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