Stallone Turned Down Tyson Request For Rocky Role.... Sylvester Stallone declined a request by Mike Tyson to star as his opponent in latest sequel Rocky Balboa, because he is "still too young to die".The 60-year-old actor didn't fancy getting into the ring with the former heavyweight boxing champion.He says, "Mike wanted to fight me in this film but I thought it was a bad idea. I know I'm not that young, but I'm still too young to die."I said, 'Thanks, but I don't think that would be a very good idea. Thank you very much.' "But he kept calling the office saying he wanted to be in the film fighting me. Eventually, I relented and said he could be in the audience. Then I never heard from him. Suddenly, when I turn up in the ring he's there at the side."I turned round and said to the crew, 'Can you make sure you keep that son of a bitch out of the ring. If he gets in he'll kill me.' The man's a killer."

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