Every now and again there’s something golden trending on Twitter, and today is one of those days.

Has a stranger ever done anything kind to you?

Has a stranger ever done anything kind to you?

When a user tweeted asking people to share the kindest thing a stranger has ever done for them, the replies went a bit crazy with heartwarming stories.

It’s fair to say our faith in humanity has been restored. Here are some of our favourites.

One thing we are really fed up of is the stigma attached to breastfeeding in public. When this lady was given made to feel like she couldn’t comfortably feed her newborn on a train, the guard came and gave her a fruit cake and some water, telling her his wife gets thirsty when she breastfeeds.

More people like this, please!

If you’ve ever been in the situation where you get home and realise your t-shirt has been on back to front all day, or you’ve got lipstick on your teeth, you’ll appreciate this one.

When this person got off the subway and was chased by a lady who was gesturing to her, she realised she was letting her know that the zipper of the back of her dress was down. She then zipped her back up and they went about their days.

If you notice someone with a little fashion dilemma they aren’t aware off, be the lady in the subway!

Love makes the world go round, and we all love dogs, so maybe dogs make the world go round?

We certainly think so after reading this.

One person told how their air conditioning wasn’t working in extreme heat. When driving with the windows down, they pulled up at a light by a construction site, and rather than receiving some unwanted attention, the workers were more interested in giving it to the dog! Breaking down the negative expectations - what we like to hear!

We all love a compliment, but a compliment from a stranger is always appreciated that little bit more! This person was told by a total stranger that they looked like an angel. We would think about it every day if it happened to us too!

We’ve all been in a situation where we’ve forgotten our purse and only realised once it’s come to paying, but most people have to put down their items and walk away.

This person, however, was saved in the car park by a kind stranger who paid for their parking when they realised they had no change with them.

It’s the little things.

by for www.femalefirst.co.uk

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