Welcome back to our weekly Tarot series! This week's main message is all about overcoming challenges and moving forward, particularly when it comes to things we are passionate about.

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Photo Credit: Pixabay

MORE: Read last week's Tarot reading

Aries (March 21 - April 19)

Five of Cups (Reversed)

Don't let your disappointments get in the way of the positive things you still have, or you may find that you'll lose them as well. Be grateful for your successes and never take anything for granted. Plus, don't be afraid of opening up about personal failures to someone you trust; nobody is judging you.

Taurus (April 20 - May 20)

Nine of Wands

You might be going through a lot lately, but standing your ground is the best thing you can do this week. Think of your troubles as a test of faith; stay strong no matter how many obstacles you encounter because you have the ability to overcome them all. Positive changes are on the horizon - it will all be worth it in the end.

Gemini (May 21 - June 20)

Six of Cups (Reversed)

Past memories are having a deeply disturbing effect on your thoughts at the moment. Perhaps you are longing for how things used to be, or else finding yourself unable to reconcile certain aspects of your past with the present. Either way, this unhealthy dwelling on things that were is going to stop you making the most of everything that's happening now.

Cancer (June 21 - July 22)

Six of Pentacles (Reversed)

People often take advantage of your kind nature, but sometimes it's good to say "no" when you're not getting anything in return. You can't please everyone; no matter how much help you give out, there will always be someone missing out. Make sure that someone isn't you and only give what you can afford. Your time and resources are precious.

Leo (July 23 - August 22)

Knight of Pentacles (Reversed)

Self-discipline and commitment are your challenges this week, Leo. Your goals are in sight, but you're feeling a little impatient about having to go through the boring stages of planning first. You just want to be getting on with the fun stuff. Have patience, get through each day, and you'll soon get that spark of passion back.

Virgo (August 23 - September 22)

The Chariot

You are abandoning your worries for once, Virgo, and persevering along this bumpy road we call life. You have so much drive and determination this week that you are prepared to take on any challenge that may lay ahead. The more you convince yourself that you will succeed, the easier this journey will be.

Libra (September 23 - October 22)

The Devil

There will always be temptations to go back to old habits, Libra, but remember that you are completely in control. Short-term pleasures are tempting, but you know that you feel a lot better without them in your life. The important thing to do is avoid replacing one bad habit with another that's equally as damaging.

Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)

Eight of Wands

Big news is coming your way this week, so be prepared for the unexpected. Things may be moving faster than you'd like, but take a deep breath and go with the flow even if you don't feel ready. Keep your focus on the most important thing and you'll see results very soon.

Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)

Strength (Reversed)

We all have moments where we seem to be lacking in confidence and it's totally normal to be self-critical. The best thing to do is remember that we all make mistakes, and the only thing you can do is learn from it, forgive yourself and move on. The less confidence you have in yourself, the more likely you are to repeat those mistakes.

Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)

Page of Cups

You're full of childlike wonder at the moment, Capricorn, and feeling like anything is possible. You're doing what you love and looking forward to new opportunities which will allow your creativity to flow. As long as you stay open-minded and optimistic, you'll find that success and happiness comes easily.

Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)

Page of Pentacles (Reversed)

If you're embarking on a new physical project - be it a DIY project, a work venture or a health kick - you may be struggling to move forward with it. Perhaps you are worried that you don't have everything you need to complete the task such as resources or skills. It's time to stop procrastinating and make a start - remember that there is always time to equip and learn along the way.

Pisces (February 19 - March 20)

The Magician (Reversed)

You have all the tools to manifest your goals, so why aren't you seeing results? It's time to reassess your focus and re-evaluate your approach to the task at hand. If your motivations are questionable or your heart isn't truly in it, you may be not maximising your potential and you may also be missing out on a number of opportunities.

The Author

Holly Mosley is a Wiccan witch who has been practising consistently for three years, enjoys monthly meet-ups in the Pagan community and spends her time studying Tarot which she first discovered at the age of 10. She publishes weekly Tarot readings on Female First, alongside her informative Witching Hour series about all things esoteric, and recently set up her own Tarot reading service under the moniker Mistress Wyrd.

by for www.femalefirst.co.uk

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