Brits shun a cooked breakfast in favour of low calorie cereal

Brits shun a cooked breakfast in favour of low calorie cereal

The research found that cereal was the most popular option with health conscious Brits, with almost half of those polled saying it was their top choice. Nearly a quarter of calorie counters said they would only eat the healthiest breakfast available.

Only seven percent of people said they start the day with a cooked breakfast, according to the survey, which was carried out by a new dairy alternative, Almond Breeze® almond milk. 47 percent also admitted that they eat a lower calorie breakfast than they did ten years ago.

Christine Lott, spokesperson for Blue Diamond Growers, the producers of almond milk, commented: “It’s fantastic to see that Brits are embracing healthier choices at breakfast time.

“When it comes to cereals, most Britons opt for semi-skimmed milk as an accompaniment, with a health-conscious 18 per cent – the majority of whom are female – topping their brekkie with skimmed milk. And some people are taking their breakfast health kick even further, with seven per cent opting for dairy alternatives.”

Almond Breeze Unsweetened contains 60 percent fewer calories than skimmed milk, so if you're looking to cut your breakfast calorie amount, it's a great solution.

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