Suzanne Shaw

Suzanne Shaw

There’s nothing like a hearty roast dinner in winter and it’s a classic British favourite for good reason. 

Warming, filling and quite simply delicious - there are not many Brits who don’t lick their lips at the thought of a good roast.

But while we all love them, how many of us regularly cook and eat roast dinners these days? Research shows the roast is on the wane, with many of us believing they are too expensive and time consuming to cook - which actually couldn’t be further from the truth.

Contrary to popular belief roast dinners can be affordable, feeding big, hungry families for a surprisingly small amount of money. They’re also easy to prepare as it’s all about bunging everything in the oven and returning a couple of hours later to the wonderful aroma of a delicious meal.

To prove just how easy and cheap roasts can be, celeb mum Suzanne Shaw has joined with Aunt Bessie’s with the challenge of cooking a roast to feed a family of four for just £9.51.

As well as showing the nation how economical roasts are, she also wants to prove how simple they are to cook, and that they’re a perfect midweek meal for your family.

Watch our video feature to see how she gets on.

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