Retro Stylophone

Retro Stylophone

Christmas truly is the season for giving, and in all the excitement of the big day, it can often be hard to get hold of the perfect gifts.

With so many ideas flooding the high street, quirky, fresh ideas can easily be lost in all the tinsel, glitz and sparkle!

We have some stylophones and stylophone minis to give away here

If the thought of scouring the net for the perfect gift is filling you with dread, and you want the perfect prezzie which is sure to fit the bill, then this is the competition for you - especially if the gift is for someone quirky! 

A leading toy company, re:creation also offers loads of products which are great for even adults to enjoy.

The stylophone and stylophone minis are portable musical instruments which lets you play along to your favourite tunes or wow your friends on the go.

The stylophone is available now from Argos for £14.99, and the stylophone mini will be available from 11th December from Amazon for just £9.99.