Gardening is something that not a lot of people find fun. It's something they look at as a chore, to be done a couple of times a year or, if they can afford it, something to pass on to the gardener.

Home and Garden on Female First

Home and Garden on Female First

But gardening has unfairly got a bad image. It can be something that's fun to do, and it's brilliant for your health.

The most obvious health benefit from gardening is the hard labour. One hour of hard gardening can burn up to 300 calories, and can help reduce heart disease and strengthen muscles. The fresh air is great for you, and you can also get some sunlight, which will boost your vitamin D levels.

But it's not all about the physical benefits. Gardening has been proven to help mental health too, as the work can reduce stress. You can also get social benefits, if you can talk to your neighbours while you garden, or if other members of your family work with you.

If you grow your own vegetables, then this will encourage you to eat healthier, and you can save lots of money from not having to buy groceries. It's also great to grow herbs, as these can be used to flavour meals, meaning less need for salt.

Ask at your local garden centre for help starting your garden growing process, and you'll soon be feeling fitter and healthier.

Emily Bancroft

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