Halle Berry

Halle Berry

Most celebrities would rather go out with a bag over their head then let the cameras catch them without a full face of make up on but Halle Berry is not one of them.

The actress is not prepared to give in to the pressure of keeping up a perfect appearance and would rather show her natural beauty.

Halle said: "All these paparazzi are just out of control, it has added a new pressure. When you just want to go out and be a normal person you get put on that bad clothes list. Or it's like, 'Look, she's got a zit,' and they zero in on it. Or it's, 'Look, she's got cellulite,' and they zero in on that.

"They make you feel like you can't go out and be a normal girl. I try to resist it and go out without my make-up even though I know I am going to be on that list."

Thank god for celebrities like Halle if we only ever saw celebrities looking perfect how would we feel about ourselves and that spot on the end of our own nose!

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