Q. Struggling with scars or stretchmarks? A. Rosehip Oil

Q. Struggling with scars or stretchmarks? A. Rosehip Oil

If the winter's leaving your skin a little dry and weary or you're struggling with stretch marks and scars, there could be a remedy to brighten up your beauty regime.

Rosehip oil is known for it's moisturising, rejuvenating and repairing quailities, making it one of the best ways to fight off any wear and tear this winter.

Rich in fatty acids, the building blocks needed to promote healthy skin cells and one of the foundations of the protective layers of skin forms.

If this wasn't positive enough, Rosehips also boast being crammed with bioflavonoids which are found in certain plants and known to be powerful anti-oxidants that can protect the skin from key culprits in the skin aging process.

Young skin, maturing skin, chapped skin, crack skin, scarred skin, this is a potential help with all those naturally occuring issues.

Available in a new range from Phytacol to help moisturise, tone and improve the appearance of skin, this could be just the ticket for preparing yourself for the season of Christmas parties and pampering.

The rosehip is also combined with vitamin A and E, which is essentially for healthy skin.

With a choice of either the Phytoil or Phytalotion, the range even thinks of keeping application easy and waste to a minimum with a handy spray dispenser.

FemaleFirst Jenna Fordie twitter: @Jenna_FAM

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