Art Deco nails

Art Deco nails

Thanks to the release of The Great Gatsby today there has been an influx of 1920’s influenced beauty and fashion.

We love this look.

If you want to try the trend without having to commit, nail art is the perfect answer.

Here we have a step-by-step on how to create Art Deco nails.

What you will need:

Scotch Magic tape 

Models Own Gold Digger varnish

Models Own Sterling Silver Champagne varnish

Models Own Black Magic varnish


Base Coat

Top Coat

Clean up brush

Prepare some narrow strips (a variety of widths up to about 5mm), and some triangular wedges of tape using a sharp pair of scissors. Rest the strips on the edge of a clean object so that they can be easily picked up later. Also prepare a few big pieces of tape which will be used to protect your fingers from getting polish on them.

Apply a base coat.

Apply a coat of gold nail polish to each nail.

Put the large pieces of tape around the edges of the nail on the ring finger to cover the surrounding skin.

Apply some silver nail polish to one end of a flat cosmetics sponge, and gold nail polish to the other end, making the colours meet in the middle as shown. Starting at the piece of nail nearest your finger, roll the sponge on to the nail to create a colour gradient of silver into gold at the tip. Leave to dry.

When the base colour is dry, arrange the strips and triangles of tape in your chosen pattern on all of the nails. We have chosen to create a striking triangular effect along the length of the nail. Make sure they are smooth and in full contact with the nail but don't push on too hard. Use tweezers if you find it too fiddly with your fingers.

Apply a layer of black nail polish to each nail one at a time, removing the tape from each as you go, using tweezers. Have a tissue handy to put the used pieces of tape on to.

Once dry, apply a top coat to each nail

If necessary, you can dip a small makeup brush into acetone and use this to clean up around the nail to create clean smooth lines.

Admire the finished look!

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