It's important you see a professional to receive botox

It's important you see a professional to receive botox

Botox and fillers are not something that should be entered into lightly, and they are most definitely something that should be administered by a professional, but reasearch shows that's not always the case. 

Thirteen per cent of non-surgical treatment patients surveyed, undergoing treatments such as dermal fillers and chemical peels, have confided that they have been treated by untrained friends or acquaintances, according to new research.

Research carried out by Transform Cosmetic Surgery, the UK’s leading provider of Cosmetic Surgery and non-surgical treatments, has exposed a shocking 4% of those surveyed as those who self-administer their treatments – lifting the lid on Brits who are playing fast and loose with their health.

A further one in ten of those surveyed admit to having been treated by a third party, such as a hairdresser, and startlingly, had no idea if they were appropriately trained to perform the procedure – stripping the person of the chance to know if the treatment is right for them.

Despite 83% of respondents believing it is important that a practitioner is adequately qualified to perform non-surgical treatments, a whopping 21% of non-surgical treatment patients would undergo laser hair removal and even dermal fillers from a practitioner who was not appropriately qualified to perform the treatment – putting themselves at risk.

More worrying still, nearly a third of respondents have had a treatment at a local beauty salon, 10% have happily had one at home or a friend’s home, and 3% have been treated at a ‘beauty treatment party’ – showing that people aren’t opting to undergo treatments in a clinical environment.

The research was commissioned to highlight the need for a new Charter for the non-surgical cosmetics industry, which Transform is developing to demonstrate its own commitment to the highest standards of patient care and to set a benchmark for the sector. Ahead of Professor Keogh’s Review of the Regulation of Cosmetic Interventions, Transform is hoping regulations will be introduced to match these standards, offer better protection for patients and drive out the cowboys within the industry. 

The non-surgical treatments industry, which encompasses treatments such as Botox and dermal fillers, is currently worth more than £1.7 billion2 and Transform is concerned about the increase in patients undergoing treatment in less than sterile environments, delivered by unqualified practitioners. In fact, almost two-thirds of those surveyed do not think that the industry is regulated and that enough is being done to protect the person receiving treatment – with a third having felt nervous or frightened before, during and after the procedure they underwent.

Patricia Dunion, Chief Operating Officer at Transform commented: “We hope the government’s response to the Keogh review will introduce tough new regulation on the non-surgical treatments industry in order to raise standards, drive the cowboys out of the sector and give better patient protection. But providers also have a responsibility to ensure they behave in an ethical manner. Our Charter will set out a range of standards that we believe the whole industry should commit to following, for the good of patients as well as the reputation of the industry.” 

Dr Hilary Jones commented: “The non-surgical treatments industry is growing fast and it is vital that as it does so, the health of those undergoing treatments isn’t put at risk. There are far too many places in this country where people can be injected with dermal fillers by individuals with minimal or no training in completely unsuitable environments, with potentially dangerous products. The Non-Surgical Charter will set out to highlight and address issues like this.”

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