Men are asking their partners to help with grooming

Men are asking their partners to help with grooming

Grooming is no longer personal for men, as new research finds that men are enlisting the help of their partner with their beauty regime.

Shaving hard to reach hair is the top grooming procedure that they ask for assistance with.

The survey, polled 2,103 British men from across the country, in a bid to understand their personal preferences when it came to personal care and grooming.

42% take part in grooming every day, 31% do it weekly and 17% groom on a fortnightly basis.

George Charles of, who conducted the research, had the following to say about the findings: “Whilst it is common knowledge that women often look after themselves, we were interested in discovering whether or not men were interested in self grooming and whether or not they asked their partner to help them. It turns out that women across the nation are actually looking after their men in more ways than one, as over half of men who took part in the poll admitted that their partner helped then with it came to their personal look and grooming habits. As some listed waxing, trimming body hair and even scrapping dead skin off feet as some of the treatments they were willing to do for their partner, it seems that love for some couples means looking after their partner’s looks!”

When asked what type of grooming procedures their partner helped them with, the top 10 was as follows:

  1. Shaving hard to reach body hair - 53%
  2. Trimming/plucking Nose Hair - 49%
  3. Cutting nails - 46%
  4. Plucking body/ facial hair - 41%
  5. Trimming ear hair - 38%
  6. Applying fake tan - 35%
  7. Applying moisturiser - 32%
  8. Waxing - 29%
  9. Dead skin scrapping on feet - 23%
  10. Trimming pubic hair - 11%

When asked to stipulate their reasons for asking their partner to help whilst looking after their appearance, 37% of males claimed they did so because it ‘pleased’ their partner, whilst 25% claimed they wanted to look their best and 15% admitted they needed help reaching certain places. 12% admitted that their partner did not like body hair on them, whilst 8% of respondents claimed that they did not like body hair themselves.

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