Kate Moss

Kate Moss

Celebrities are just as prone as us regular folk to throw a paddy when we can't find something to wear, just ask Kate Moss who opted out of attending the BAFTA's when she couldn't find the right dress.

Kate and boyfriend Jamie Hince decided to stay in instead because Kate couldn't find an outfit she was happy with.

A friend told the Daily Express: "Kate's friends were waiting for her to turn up, only to be told she had settled into her favourite Sunday night TV. But then Kate had a change of heart and said she'd be on her way after she'd picked the right dress.

"Just when everyone thought she'd be joining them, Kate called back to say she'd changed her mind as she wasn't happy with how she looked in anything."

It seems Kate was worried about been upstaged by the Hollywood stars attending the Awards.

The friend added: "It's quite incredible when you think how many fabulous outfits she must have.

"With the likes of Angelina Jolie turning up, Kate knew she'd be alongside a long list of beautiful women in amazing outfits. She eventually decided she'd prefer to give it a miss rather than risk looking second best."

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