Katie Holmes has ditched her glamorous image for something more low key

Katie Holmes has ditched her glamorous image for something more low key

Katie Holmes has a wardrobe full of gorgeous Armani dresses and was rumoured to even be creating her own fashion line but now it seems Katie is ditching her glamorous style.

The actress has been snapped working a lot more dressed down look recently, ditching smart pencil skirts and tight dresses for old baggy trousers and oversized dowdy jumpers, and not in a laidback cool way that Mary Kate Olsen and co can pull off.

A friend of Katie's told Heat magazine her lack of style is because she want's to fit in with her new theatre friends.

They said: "Broadway actors are anti-Hollywood. It's not about image for them, but the craft. Katie started taking the art of acting seriously and began to realise how superficial LA can be."

Another source revealed the new look is down to the fact Katie wants to distance herself from comparisons with friend Victoria Beckham. They said: "When she started getting criticised for dressing like Victoria, she was so embarrassed."

"She loved the attention and the glamour at first, but eventually she was like, 'Why am I doing this? I'm from Ohio. This isn't me.'"

Wether it's you or not Katie we're afraid you certainly looked better before.