Kim covers up her baby bump in Lanvin

Kim covers up her baby bump in Lanvin

Kim Kardashian has made some shocking style choices over the years, and she’s taken plenty of negative opinions from most of who have a comment to make.

But now that she’s pregnant, her style choices have become more notorious than ever.

Yes, I can’t deny that she has made some questionable fashion decisions but to call her fat is simply disrespectful.

Whilst I may have never been pregnant myself I do understand that a woman’s body goes through numerous changes and expands in more ways than one – all to become the safest environment for her little baby.

Yes, we know that Kim had beautiful curves already and they seem to be growing at an expanding rate, so of course she’s going to struggle in finding her right maternity style.

It’s bad enough when you gain a couple of pounds and struggle getting your jeans up, but imagine carrying around an extra person and worrying that the whole world will be commenting on what you’re style.

In a recent poll we run on the site 75% of readers voted that she looks amazing, but still 13% thought that she looks awful.

We all have our off days, don’t we?

I understand that Kim has chosen to be in the public eye and undeniably courts fame, but calling her fat and ugly whilst she’s pregnant is uncalled for.

Give her time; I’m sure she’ll find her style groove. And, if not, we know she has Kanye West on hand to help style her. 

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