Gareth Pugh

Gareth Pugh

Gareth Pugh gave his Lonodn Fashion Week front row a fright with his goulish Wizard of Oz inspired autumn/winter collection.

Think Wizard of Oz if it had been Dorothy who was squashed by the house and she was coming to get her haunting revenge on the Wicked Witch- that's the kind of scary Pugh's latest collection is.

Check out the Gareth Pugh Autumn/Winter 2008/9 collection slideshow

Models hit the catwalk in silver, armour-like dresses with faces paintes white, corpse-blue lipstick and long plaited hair swinging while they walk.

"It was very abstract, based around the Wizard of Oz," said Pugh to Reuters,"Dorothy as a very statuesque warrioresque barbarian -- very feminine shapes but doing them in a way that is very aggressive and hard."

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