Kate Moss

Kate Moss

It is the rumour that just won't go away, but Kate Moss has denied reports that she is pregnant with her second child.

Speculation has mounted over the weekend as super slim Kate has been spotted with what looked like a baby bump. Some newspapers have even claimed that she was 3 months pregnant with boyfriend Jamie Hince's baby and preparing to announce the news.

The supermodel however has denied this saying she has just put on a bit of weight.

She told New York magazine: "It's so awful, even my friends are phoning me up and saying, 'Are you pregnant?' And I'm like, 'No! I just put on a couple of pounds, and they went in the right place.' Isn't that weird?"

These rumours have been going on for months now and Kate could probably have given birth to two babies in the period of time she has been reported to be pregnant.

Kate already has a six year old daughter with ex-boyfriend Jefferson Hack.

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