Rachel Bilson

Rachel Bilson

Rachel Bilson's home has been burgled and the thieves took with them the actresses expensive fashion collection.

Jewellery, vintage shoes and a collection of Chanel clothes were all taken from Rachel's LA home.

A friend told People: "She's shaken, she feels violated... They stole [her television set,] all her designer labels - shoes, clothes, bags..."

"She collected a lot of vintage shoes - she’s a size 5 - and they took them all... All her jewellery, including some handed down to her by her grandmother... Fashion is her passion. She’s devastated."

We've heard of thieves taking laptops, cash even sex tapes but robbing a house for someones fashion collection is a new one on us. Keep your eyes peeled for someone carrying a swag bag dressed head to toe in Chanel residents of LA!

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