Frostfrench Store Burgled....

Designer Sadie Frost has become a victim of a robbery after thieves broke into her new London clothing boutique on Thursday (04Oct07), stealing more than $20,000 (£10,000)-worth of items.

Frost - actor Jude Law's ex-wife - launched the new FrostFrench store in Islington in September (07) with her business partner Jemima French, and the pair are upset at the break-in.

Leigh Anne Radbourne, assistant manager of the shop, says, "They literally smashed and grabbed things close to the doors, so it could have been a lot worse. It is pretty bad, but it is not terrible.

"Sadie and Jemima are upset but will not let it get them down. They have got good business heads on them and know it's not the end of the world.".

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