When shopping what makes you buy the clothes?

When shopping what makes you buy the clothes?

Who are you choosing your outfits for? Yourself? A partner? Or how they'll be perceived on social media

81% of British women say that their number one concern when it comes to shopping for a special occasion, is her social media channels.

Ahead of fit, colour, style and cost, the average British woman thinks about how they will look on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram when buying an outfit for a special occasion.

A massive 81% of women said that they think about how they will look on social media when choosing an outfit for a special occasion.

The survey reveals that the main social media concerns include: being judged by their followers and friends for their outfit choice; being tagged in the same outfit as a friend, or fellow guest; partner will see that they have bought a new outfit via their social media channels; other guests will look better than them in photos shared on social media.

Helen North, Head of Marketing for fashion etailer and home shopping catalogue Kaleidoscope who commissioned the survey said:

“The findings reflect the rise in social networking and photo sharing sites such as Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. In the same way that we watch celebrity style, the consumer is concerned that their own style will be similarly judged by their family, friends, colleagues and followers on their social media channels.

“With everything we do documented online, particularly big occasions, and with the influence of celebrity culture, the way that women look on their social media channels is clearly of great importance.”

We all know the effect that social media has on our individual lives, but is this a step too far?

by for www.femalefirst.co.uk
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