Still not sure about them? Here are five reasons to get yourself to your next local kilo sale.

Update your wardrobe with a bit of vintage wear!
5. Affordable
With a kilo clothing generally being around 15 quid, you can get a good pick of clothes for a cheaper price. Whatever you like - designer, vintage, non-branded, and quirky styles, you’ll definitely find something you love.
4. It’s green!
It’s kind of obvious, but recycling clothes is so much more environmentally friendly than buying brand new ones. And on a side note – the same goes for getting rid too. Take your old unwanted clothes to a charity shop, so that other people can see out their shelf-life rather than dumping them!
3. Fun!
It’s a really good day out. There is always a good atmosphere with people running around trying to get a good deal. It’s a shopper’s heaven.
2. You can spot the quality
Because all the clothes have already been worn, it’s easier to pick out what is going to sustain the washer!
1. Brands galore
If you love branded clothing, you’ll love kilo stores. There’s always lots of vintage designer clothes hidden away in those rails, so dig in and enjoy the thrill of the find.
Tagged in fashion