Marilyn Monroe

Marilyn Monroe

Desired body shapes have changed almost as much as fashion over the years, although maybe not as quick to come and go as fashion does. Take the 19th and 20th centuries, the idea of what kind of body shape men want women to have has changed time and time again. In fact, the most desired physical characteristics have changed throughout history; sometimes pale skin was the fashion, sometimes tanned skin, at times it was very fashionable to be overweight to demonstrate wealth, at other times slim and skinny was the order of the day.

Now with published media playing a bigger and bigger role in everyday culture, it is often the opinions of these websites, magazines, and newspapers that tell us what is attractive. In the 50s and 60s, the enormous success of Marilyn Monroe led to the rise in copycat glamour look alikes. This meant that a very full and curvy figure was what men lusted after, (Monroe was a size 16) and also what magazines and television promoted as attractive. Nowadays, of course, with the rise of the supermodel it is more fashionable to be slim that borders on the unhealthily thin – but is this what men actually want?

Kate Moss

Of course, it is unrealistic to suggest that all men want the same thing; every man has his own personal preferences and if you look at the results of FHM’s 100 Sexiest Women in the World poll, you will see all manner of body types represented. Represented they maybe, but by taking a look at the girls who received the most votes, the top 10 is generally comprised of slim yet busty girls.

Polls such as these are good indicators and could well be the answer as to what many men are currently looking for. In the previously mentioned poll, the top three were Tulisa, Cheryl Cole and Rihanna – women most people would consider to be slim and yet womanly. Of course, these are also three incredibly successful pop stars whose photos are in the magazines and tabloids every single day, as well as on television performing their songs in skimpy attire.

Cheryl Cole

Although it must be said, if all men wanted exactly the same thing, there would not be much hope for those out of the so called desired figure. The average dress size in the UK is 12 yet many men enjoy the company of women much larger than this. There is no doubt that the media effects what is generally perceived to be attractive in women, however, the good news is that in reality whatever your preference, there are plenty of different body types to choose from so be proud of what you are, love your body and make the best of it - be proud.

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