By Personal Stylist, Rebecca Ffrancon,

Fashion and Beauty on Female First

Fashion and Beauty on Female First

1. We want to help you discover your own style

We aren’t going to force you to dress like us (or in the latest trends) and that’s why we spend lots of time getting to know you before we hit the shops. Personal styling is just that – it’s personal! Style isn’t about fashion and trends at all, it’s all about finding out who you are on the inside and expressing that on the outside.

2. We don’t judge what you’re wearing!

If you’re worried about being judged by a stylist, then you’ve chosen the wrong one. In fact, you can judge what your stylist is wearing instead, but we are actually just human beings and we sometimes do the school run not looking too glamorous at all (speaking from personal experience)!

3. We want to push you out of your comfort zone

The point of a personal shopping trip is to get you to try new things. But all these things are carefully chosen by your stylist to suit your colouring, your bodyshape, your lifestyle and your personality. So we’re not going to push you so much that it makes you uncomfortable – we do want you to be open to trying new things but you still need to love them.

4. We will not poke and prod you

If you’re old enough to remember the Trinny & Susannah show, you might remember the mirror room and the prodding. We absolutely do not do this. We understand that lots of women have areas of their bodies that they don’t love and we are trained to help you dress your body to disguise the bits you’re not keen on and highlight the bits you like. Oh and we don’t even go anywhere near you with a tape measure to find out your bodyshape.

5. You don’t need an enormous budget or to shop at Harrods

Of course, there are stylists who shop at Harrods regularly with their clients, but most stylists believe that the High Street has a lot to offer, and will help you navigate the shops that are best for you. They may introduce you to new brands and might suggest investing in some higher ticket items but they will always work with your budget to find key pieces that you need to work with your current wardrobe.

6. We love shopping and we love taking you to the shops

You may hate shopping – lots of women do – it’s perfectly normal. But rest assured that your stylist absolutely loves what she does, helping you to find pieces you love and – most importantly – seeing the difference in you when we’ve found the right thing. I call it The Goosebump Moment – when a client comes out of a changing room smiling and looking sensational!

7. We have seen all sorts of wardrobes and nothing shocks us

Lots of people feel embarrassed about what’s lurking in their wardrobe or how their wardrobe is set up, and we totally appreciate what a personal space it is to let us into.