Over the last five years, we have witnessed significant patterns and trends in women's engagement with technology, reflecting a shifting narrative towards inclusivity and empowerment. From increased representation in STEM fields to the rise of women-led startups, this article explores the multifaceted evolution of women's relationship with technology.

Image unsplash Christina Wocintechchat

Image unsplash Christina Wocintechchat

Closing the Gender Gap in STEM

One noticeable trend over the past five years has been the concerted effort to bridge the gender gap in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields. Initiatives aimed at encouraging young girls to pursue STEM education and careers have gained momentum, leading to a gradual increase in the number of women entering traditionally male-dominated professions. Programs, scholarships, and mentorship opportunities have played a crucial role in fostering a supportive environment for women in STEM.

Since the majority of women have started using social media and mobile devices for communication, education, and entertainment, there has been a surge in interest in tech-related subjects. This growing digital fluency has fuelled women's entry into the tech workforce, with women now comprising more than 26% of the STEM workforce, according to some findings published by STEM Women.

Women in Tech Leadership

The tech industry has seen a rise in women assuming leadership roles. Notable appointments of women as CEOs and executives in major tech companies have challenged stereotypes and inspired a new generation of female leaders. These trailblazers serve as role models, breaking barriers and paving the way for more women to aspire to leadership positions within the tech sector.

Companies are also recognising the importance of diversity and inclusion in the workplace. A growing number of tech firms are implementing initiatives to create more inclusive environments, acknowledging that diverse teams lead to better innovation and problem-solving. Women-focused networks and mentorship programs within these organisations are contributing to a sense of community and empowerment.

Image credit Pexels Antoni Shkraba
Image credit Pexels Antoni Shkraba

The Impact of Social Media and Online Communities

Social media and online communities have played a crucial role in empowering women and connecting them with others in the tech industry. These platforms have provided women with valuable resources, mentorship, and support networks, helping them to overcome gender stereotypes and pursue their tech aspirations. 

Women have also gained access to industries that were traditionally male-dominated and founded their own communities there. Women, for instance, account for over 70% of the global bingo market and are more likely to engage in online live bingo sessions with real hosts. The growing popularity of online bingo among women can be attributed to several factors, including social connections, affordability, and variety. The growing involvement of women in iGaming presents a valuable opportunity for the industry to expand its reach, attract a wider audience, and foster innovation. 

Despite the progress made, gender inequality remains a persistent challenge in the tech industry. Women continue to face disparities in pay, promotion, and representation in leadership positions. To address these challenges, organisations are implementing initiatives that provide mentorship and training programs for women, create more inclusive workplace cultures, and advocate for policies that support women's advancement in the industry.

Women's engagement with technology presents a unique opportunity to create a more inclusive and equitable digital future for all. Through the empowerment of women to participate fully in the tech industry, we can harness their talents to solve global challenges and create a more just and equitable world.