Twenty-five years after a successful ROSPA campaign to introduce the first seatbelt law, around 370 people a year are still being killed in road crashes because they do not wear a seatbelt. Goodness me, how often do they have to be told? Clunk Click every trip please.

Despite over 50,000 lives been saved by seatbelts since 1983 a stubborn minority of people still do not belt up when they get into a vehicle even though research shows that about a third of car occupants receiving fatal injuries are not wearing seatbelts.

Why are they not getting the message I wonder. Do they forget? Do they feel it unnecessary or that it is not 'cool' to wear one?

Perhaps it is time to consider giving drivers three penalty points when they fail to wear their belts.

As that spine chilling television advertisements have shown, an unbelted rear seat passenger can be thrown forward and kill someone in the front of a car. In a crash at 30 mph, if unrestrained, you will be thrown forward with a force of between 30 and 60 times your own bodyweight.

Other culprits are van drivers (69 per cent wearing rate) and their passengers (58 per cent). Oh they really think they are invincible don’t’ they.

Well they will soon find themselves to infinity and beyond if they don’t belt up

FemaleFirst Jackie Violet