Over recent years there has been a trend for manufacturers to load cars with automated features.

Many of these can be useful, some can be lifesaving. With UK road safety stalled, drivers have been advised to be on the lookout for the pitfalls and to engage brains at all times regardless of other systems in use.

Here are a few examples

Cruise control. Maintains a chosen speed, the driver can remove their foot from the accelerator. The pitfall: Drivers can lose concentration or forget to slow down.

Satellite Navigation. This is an invaluable driving aid when navigating unfamiliar roads. The pitfall: Drivers look more at the screen than the road.

Automated speed control. All vehicles are controlled by GPS devices preventing them exceeding the speed limit. The pitfall: the limiter cut in at highly dangerous moments such as part way through an overtake facing oncoming traffic, and drivers will stop using their own judgement to adjust speed to density of hazard.

Too much automation means that drivers will not think about the driving process.

But we all deep down love our gadgets don’t we?

Jackie Violet