He was fun to work with because he would watch a James Bond movie the night before and then come to set with all these amazing ideas - sometimes they were a little too much to pull off - but he definitely had a lot of ideas and was exciting to work with, so much so that I will be working with him on his next project.

- And how did you find stepping into the action genre?

Very easy. I love the outdoors I’m always hiking, camping, backpacking and climbing mountains when I’m not working so, for me, that was one of the things that drew me to the project.

- And you really made your name as Amy in in season 6 of Entourage - so how did you find going into the show in season 6 when there were already well developed relationships between the cast?

They were so great to work with, obviously they work with a lot of different actors so they are use to people coming and making them feel comfortable immediately - and that is what they did.

It wasn’t intimidating working with them at all they were very nice and down to earth and I felt very relaxed so I could get on and work.

- Throughout your career you have moved between TV and movie roles so how to the two mediums compare and differ? Do you have a favourite?

I like both of them - I like all aspects of being an actress whether that be TV, film or theatre as well as radio and voiceovers; they are all totally different but they all have a similarity in that it’s the same craft.

In TV it’s a very fast pace and you really do have to think on your toes and you don’t have a lot of times to make decisions as well a working a lot of time under pressure. 

In film you have a lot more time to develop a character, learn new skills, to really let the character sink in and read the script a hundred times - that really is a luxury to have so much time on a role.

Then the theatre is completely different having the audience there and having the immediate feedback from them - it really teaches you timing and discipline - and that’s wonderful too.

I really enjoy and embrace all of it, I have always wanted to be an actress, for me it’s all wonderful and exciting.

- As a British born actress how have you found the movie to America?

I moved here eight years ago so now it is second nature to me, it’s where I am based and it’s where I consider home now. I miss a lot of things about England and I love England, my family are all there and so are my friends from school, so I do go back a lot.

I very much like being a part of both places and I really would like to work some more in England but in terms of my live here I am very happy.

- Finally what's next for you?

Probably this dance movie, if something comes up before then I would love that, but the dance film comes up in July so that’s next on my agenda for now.

FemaleFirst Helen Earnshaw

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