For me, as we grow in life, there's different times in our lives where we have transitions. Where we are in life effects who you are as a person, let alone where you are career wise.

For me, career wise, I can't even think about that, but what I do know is that this was a defining moment for me as a person and it was a life changing experience, so for me this was, so far, as good as it's gotten.

- Why did you decide to be an actor?

I didn't grow up wanting to be an actor. No one in my family is in the business. I grew up very sports oriented and had dreams of playing football.

After I graduated high school I got into boxing and my dad is a big fight fan so I had some knowledge of boxing growing up and just found a passion for boxing and thought boxing was going to be my... I always dreamt that I was going to be famous.

And I always dreamt that I was going to get a big house for my mom and take care of them. I just didn't know that it was going to possibly be down an acting route.

I thought I was going to be a boxing champion one day but for whatever reason this is the path that was presented to me and I'm vey proud and very fortunate to be here.

- Have you found it difficult to keep going in this business?

Yeah, this business to me is kind of like the stock market, it's up and down. You just have to stay strong and keep pushing through and don’t quit.

- What would you say is the message of The Pacific?

I think the message of The Pacific is love your family, love your country. Don't forget where we've all come from and don't ever think that anything can stop us from being what we want to be.

- What was the toughest moment on set?

It was definitely the toughest role that I've ever been a part of physically but also I think equally, or more so, mentally and spiritually it was a tougher challenge for me. I, for whatever reason, from the first day, I had found out about The Pacific.

I felt like something in me was meant to be a part of it somehow. And I carried it throughout even until now and it's still a little overwhelming when I think about it. But the challenge for me was more mentally and spiritually for me because the enormity of it was just a little overwhelming.

It hit you at different times, y'know? You'd look around and look at the set and you'd almost feel like you were transported back in time and sometimes the reality would just overwhelm you. I think physically I was ok, it was more mentally.

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