Naomi Watts in Fair Game

Naomi Watts in Fair Game

Naomi Watts is one of the most versatile actresses that is currently working in Hollywood as she has moved from drama to action from independent movies to the big budget blockbuster throughout her career.

And she is back on the big screen this week with her new movie Fair Game, directed by Doug Liman, which reunites her with her 21 Grams co-star Sean Penn.

She kicked off her career in Australian TV, including Home & Away, before moving into film with the likes of For Love Alone and Flirting.

However it wasn't to be until Mulholland Drive, which was directed by David Lynch, in 2001 that she was to really make her Hollywood breakthrough.

After a car wreck on the winding Mulholland Drive renders a woman amnesic, she and a perky Hollywood-hopeful search for clues and answers across Los Angeles in a twisting venture beyond dreams and reality.

Watts went on to win Best Breakthrough Performance at the National Board of review for her central performance.

The Ring, which was a remake of the Japanese horror movie, was the next hit for Watts as she enjoyed more mainstream success.

It took just two years after her breakthrough in Mulholland Drive to bag her first Oscar nomination for her role in 21 Grams - which also starred Sean Penn and Benicio Del Toro.

A freak accident brings together a critically ill mathematician, a grieving mother (Watts) and a born-again ex-con.

The movie was a critical hit and Watts went on to pick up nominations at the Oscars, Baftas and the Screen Actors Guild Awards.

As well as picking up critics gongs in Los Angeles, Florida, Washington and San Diego.

She mixed and matched her roles over the next couple of years as she moved from comedy I Heart Huckabees back to horror as she reprised the role of Rachel Keller in The Ring Two.

In 2005 she turned her hand to the big budget blockbuster as she landed the part of Ann Darrow in Peter Jackson's remake of King Kong.

The movie was a big box office success as it went on to take in excess of $550 million at the global box office.

Since then she has gone on to tackle more powerful roles with the likes of The Painted Veil, Eastern Promises and Funny Games, all of which showed her off to be a real Hollywood heavyweight.

2011 looks set to be a busy year for her with You Will Meet A Tall Dark Stranger and Fair Game both on the horizon.

Fair Game sees Watts take on the role life story of CIA operative Valerie Plame who discovers her identity is allegedly leaked by the government as payback for an op-ed article her husband wrote criticizing the Bush administration.

She has already completed work on Dream House, Movie 43 and The Impossible. She is currently filming Clint Eastwood's latest project J.Edgar and she is set to play Marilyn Monroe in Blonde.

Fair Game is released 11th March

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