August Rush is the tale of a young Irish guitarist Louis Connelly (Jonathan Rhys Meyers) and a sheltered cellist Lyla (Keri Russell) who have the chance to experience one magical night above New York's Washington Square.But the pair are soon torn apart leaving behind a child.August Rush (Freddie Highmore) is a gifted musician who has spent his childhood in an orphanage.He is now performing on the streets of New York city and is cared for by a mysterious stranger Wizard (Robin Williams).Using his musical talent he goes in search of his parents from whom he was separated at birth.Director Kristen Sheridan goes behind the camera after securing an Oscar nomination for her screenplay In America.

Starring Jonathan Rhys Meyers, Keri Russell, Freddie Highmore, Robin Williams, Terrance Howard and Leon G. Thomas III.

August Rush is released 23rd November.

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