The Meerkats

The Meerkats

Revealing and entertaining, The Meerkats looks at one family's daily struggle for survival in the harshest environment on earth. 

But what makes these natives of the African plains even more remarkable is a family dynamic which bears an uncanny resemblance to our own. 

Whether they are going through the routines of daily life or locked in a very real battle to stay alive. 

The Meerkatsis an inspiring look at how one family's connection to each other and their surroundings stands as a model of resilience and fortitude for us all.

Shot using ground-breaking techniques and filmed over six months in the Kalahari Desert The Meerkats is a wildlife drama directed by Award-winning filmmaker James Honeyborne with Joe Oppenheimer and Trevor Ingman producing. 

Neil Nightingale (Head of the BBC Natural History Unit) and David M Thompson (Head of BBC Films) served as Executive Producers with Michael Cole, Co-President of Production, and Rhodri Thomas, Director of Development and Production oversaw the project for the Weinstein Company.

BBC Films collaborated with the world-renowned BBC Natural History Unit to produce their first ever feature film together.  The Weinstein Company co-financed the project. 

Narrated by the late Paul Newman, his last role was adding the sensational voice over to The Meerkats.

The Meerkats is released 7th August.

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