X-Men: First Class

X-Men: First Class

Marvel have already enjoyed huge success at the box office so far this summer with Thor scoring a number one hit in both the U.S. and the UK.

And Marvel is set to be the dominating force in superhero movies over the next few weeks with the release of Captain America: The First Avenger and the movie we are going to concentrate on X-Men: First Class.

X-Men: First Class is the second spin off movie of the franchise, following in the successful footsteps of X-Men Origins: Wolverine.

This time around Matthew Vaughn is in the director's chair for a movie that takes us right back to the beginning of relationship between Professor X and Magneto.

A new movie means a new cast and James McAvoy and Michael Fassbender take over the roles from veteran stars Patrick Stewart and Ian McKellan.

In 1963, Charles Xavier starts up a school and later a team, for humans with superhuman abilities. Among them is Erik Lensherr, his best friend... and future archenemy.

X-Men: First Class sees the return to the big screen of Hank McCoy aka Beast - who we saw for the very first time in X-Men: The Last Stand played by Kelsey Grammer.

This time around it's Brit actor Nicholas Hoult, who has enjoyed huge success in recent years with A Single Man and Clash of the Titans, takes on the role.

X-Men: First Class is released 1st June

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