Adrien Brody

Adrien Brody

Adrien Brody reveals that he is still shocked when people are surprised by the movie choices that he makes.

The Oscar winning actor moves into the action blockbuster this summer as he takes on the role of mercenary Royce in Nimrod Antal's Predators, which reboots the popular franchise.

Speaking to the Associated Press the actor said: "It's surprising to me, sometimes, when people are surprised at my choices and it seems they are more surprised as of late.

"But as an actor it's been a conscious decision to do my best to not repeat myself, so that I keep the process for myself interesting and for the people that have seen my work. I've looked long and hard for an opportunity like this."

And while Brody did under-go a physical transformation he admits that it's not all about physicality but Royce's mental strength is also what makes him tough.

"Strength has to come from within.

"We're all, unfortunately, very familiar with what young soldiers look like today and they're not dissimilar to my build.

"I think military leadership comes from a tactical and technical confidence... and an intellectual strength."

Predators is out now.

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