Adrien Brody

Adrien Brody

Adrien Brody's Near-death Experience In India....

Actor Adrien Brody almost died during a night-off from shooting new movie The Darjeeling Limited in India last Christmas (06), when he had an unexpected encounter with a low-hanging power cable.The Oscar winner had been enjoying a mountain ride on the back of a pick-up truck when he suddenly had to fight for his life.He says, "We had this wonderful dinner together. The whole cast and crew ate in front of a fireplace and we went out in these ox carts. It was really beautiful."On the way back, the oxes had gone home and I hopped a ride on the back of a pick-up truck and was riding back with my girlfriend."It was such a beautiful, wonderful night and I was looking in her eyes, standing on the back of this pick-up truck and a low-hanging power line went under my neck and caught me in the neck. I had this North Face jacket on and managed to get it out from under me."I literally almost died on Christmas last year looking into my girlfriend's eyes. It was so profound, the moment was really beautiful and I survived it and that was a gift.".

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