Adrien Brody

Adrien Brody

Adrien Brody brings whole new meaning to the term 'sex scene' in his new movie Splice.

The Oscar winning actor steps into the sci-fi genre this summer in the Vincenzo Natali which follows a couple who genetically engineer a new life for.

Delphine Chaneac takes on the role of Dren, the half human half creature, who seduces Brody.

Speaking to MTV he said: "How can one compare what takes place in this movie with anything else I've had to do? It's a new level - it's a very Gen-X sex scenario."

But the actor admits that it was the disturbing aspects of the movie that really drew him to the project.

"As I read [the script], the level of madness and disturbing elements, as they progress, was pretty fantastic.

"It's disturbing, but at the same time there's something very exciting about it.

"The science-fiction elements of this movie ... we're there, almost, technologically and scientifically. We're there. I think that adds a [disturbing] element that this could happen."

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