Amanda Seyfried

Amanda Seyfried

Amanda Seyfried has described her new movie In Time as a breathless watch.

The actress teams up with Justin Timberlake as the tackle sci-fi with Andrew Niccol at the helm.

And Seyfried describes the movie as 'grounded' despite being set in the near future.

Speaking to Hollywood Scoop the actress said: "I sure did have a lot of fun with this movie though and I loved having different hair colour.

"I didn't have to go home with it, but you know, it's certainly great to change your look every once in awhile.

"[The movie] is thrilling and it's kind of out of this world. But at the same time it's so grounded in what we're dealing with today as a society, that I feel like it will leave you breathless and remind you of the time that we don't have."

Seyfried has mixed her TV and movie work this year moving from Red Riding Hood to series Big Love.

And she has a series of movies in the pipeline including a Mark Webber Project, Gone and The Big Wedding.

In Time is released 1st November.

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