Daniel Radcliffe

Daniel Radcliffe

Daniel Radcliffe jumped at the chance to star in an upcoming movie version of The Wpman In Black because the film will be one of the first new Hammer horror pictures since the 1970s.
The legendary British company, Hammer Film Productions, was well-known for its classic movies including The Curse of Frankenstein and Dracula, but it went 30 years without producing a picture after a downturn in the firm's fortunes and various ownership changes.
But Hammer is heading back to the big screen this year (10) with a series of high profile projects in the works, including an English-language remake of Swedish vampire thriller Let the Right One In.
And Radcliffe is delighted to be a part of the Hammer revival with the new adaptation of Susan Hill's creepy book.
He tells the Los Angeles Times, "It does bring a smile to my face, and it's an absolutely genuine smile. Hammer is the company that everybody wants to see succeed.

"It's such a part of our film heritage. It was a massive producer of films in its heyday - they were really prolific, there were tons of them - and with actors like Christopher Lee and Peter Cushing.

"It's wonderful to see that company, that name, in a resurgence."