Daniel Radcliffe

Daniel Radcliffe

Daniel Radcliffe is keen for his fans to see him in a different light than just Harry Potter.

The actor has signed on for The Woman In Black as he is keen not to be typecast as well get the chance to show off his acting ability.

Speaking to the Los Angeles Times the actor said: "It worries me [that fans will still see me as Harry Potter], but the challenge is to look like a dad and a young father.

"If I get that right, that is something that immediately separates me from Harry," he explained.

"The script is so good and the characters are so clear, there is actually reduced pressure on me to be constantly ‘different', if you know what I mean.

"In other words, once people are into the story, they’ll be watching this really compelling movie and will stop - I hope - thinking about me."

But Radcliffe will return to the role of Harry Potter for the final movie Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, a movie that has been split into two.

As well as The Woman in Black he is also set to start work on the remake of All Quiet On the Western Front.

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