David Duchovny Asks Girl To Wed Theatre Owner.... X-Files star David Duchovny agreed to ask a fan's girlfriend to marry him - as long as the fiance-to-be screened his new movie The Tv Set for a year.The actor was attending an industry independent film festival in Las Vegas when a cinema owner approached him with the odd request, handing Duchovny a ring.Duchovny agreed to make the couple's dreams come true - on one condition.He says, "I turned to her and I said, 'I'm not going to ask you to marry him unless you say yes, because I don't want to be involved in that.' "She said, 'Yes,' and now she's starting to hyperventilate and cry... I don't know either of their names yet, so I say, 'Will you marry him.' "Then I said to them, 'Look guys, I'm not in it just for today. When I ask a woman to marry anybody I'm in it for the long haul and I wanna keep on checking up on you guys."You have to promise me that you will keep The Tv Set in your theatre for an entire year or else I will have it all annulled."

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