Emily Blunt

Emily Blunt

Emily Blunt has admitted that she struggled on the set of her new movie Sunshine Cleaning because the realistic crime scenes made her 'heave'

Blunt joins Amy Adams on the independent movie that follows two sisters who set up a unique business by cleaning up the blood and body parts from crime and suicide scenes.

In an interview with NY Daily News she said: Oh, they were [realistic]. Particularly the trailer park one - that was gag-making. We walked on set and I felt myself heave, as it really did smell.

"And we had a fly wrangler on set. He breathes smoke on them, and they get a bit hazy and are not quite so sprightly - I don't know how he does it."

It's been a busy few months for the British actress, which can currently be seen in The Young Victoria, after being linked to the the role of The Black Widow in the Iron Man sequel.

She will also star in Gulliver's Travel alongside Jack Black and The Wolfman will be released later this year.

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