Hugh Jackman

Hugh Jackman

Hugh Jackman has thanked Wolverine fans for giving him and his new movie a $175 million (£117 million) opening week around the world.

X-Men Origins: Wolverine stormed to the top of box office charts all over the globe following its release last week (ends01May09) and the Aussie star is extremely grateful to fans who turned out in droves to see it at the cinema.

He says, "I was blown away... (and) so grateful to the fans and to everybody who came out in force and seemed to love the movie.

"I just want to say thank you to them... I love my job. I feel like the luckiest guy."

And he admits the 'fan-demonium' means there will be a sequel.

He adds, "The fans have been very vocal about the story they want to hear and that’s the samurai story set in Japan."

Wolverine was the first spin off movie from the hit X-men franchise, which made it onto our screen for the first time back in 2000.

A sequel, which would see Jackman reprise the role for a fifth time, is reportedly already in the pipeline along with a Magneto and Deadpool spin off.

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