Hugh Jackman

Hugh Jackman

Hugh Jackman has revealed that it was Oscar winning filmmaker Steven Spielberg who came with idea of using real robots in Real Steel.

The Aussie actor is set to return to the big screen next month with the robot boxing movie - which is directed by Night At The Museum filmmaker Shawn Levy.

Spielberg is serving as executive producer on the movie and suggested that real elements instead of just CGI would improve the movie.

Speaking to ET the actor said: "[Steven] found with Jurassic Park that the more real elements you can have, the better it is.

"It turned me into an 11-year-old when I first saw them."

Real Steel is the first time that we have seen Jackman in the big screen since X-Men Origins: Wolverine back in 2009 and teams him up with Evangeline Lilly and Anthony Mackie.

Jackman has completed work on Movie 43 and lent his voice to Rise of the Guardians.

He has also been cast as Jean Valjean in a remake of Les Miserable and he will be reprising the role of Wolverine in another solo movie.

Real Steel is released 14th October

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