Jake Gyllenhaal

Jake Gyllenhaal

Jake Gyllenhaal has revealed that his new movie is 'mind boggling.'

The actor is currently working with Moon director Duncan Jones on a sci fi movie Source Code.

And the actor has admitted that he has loved working with the British filmmaker.

In an interview with Ain't It Cool the actor said: "Duncan is so awesome and he is an extraordinary director - working with him has been that exactly and I think this movie that we are making is mind boggling.

"I'm telling you man, he is really quite something. His mind... he comes from quite a pedigree, just artistically, but on his own I believe he is the next generation. He is blowing my mind on a daily basis.

"He has collector's edition t-shirts on like, every day, and people come up and they're like, 'Dude, where'd you get that shirt?' He's, 'It's just a shirt, I have no idea'."

"To me, working with him, it's surprising, his instinct, his sense of collaboration, but at the same time truly being an auteur...

"He's the real deal man. Anyone who has seen [Moon] knows that and this - you are really going to like it!"

But it's the blockbuster for Gyllenhaal this summer as takes on the role of Prince Dunstan in Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time, based on the hit computer game.

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