Jake Gyllenhaal

Jake Gyllenhaal

Jake Gyllenhaal has promised more shirtless scenes in his next movie Love and Other Drugs.

The actor takes on the role of Prince Dastan in the big screen adaptation of popular computer game Prince of Persia: THe Sands of Time.

And Gyllenhaal's beefed up physique has been causing quite a stir and the actor admits that future projects are going to include him flashing more flesh.

Speaking to OK Magazine the actor said: "I'm very proud. But if you think I'm naked in this movie, you should see the movie I did with Ed Zwick, 'Love and Other Drugs.'

"You'll just have to come back for that one."

The actor worked hard to get in shape for the movie learning horse riding and acrobatics but he revealed that he continued to work during the shoot.

"When it was time to shoot there were daily workouts and I'd run back from the set to the hotel when we were in Morocco."

Prince of Persia sees Gyllenhaal step into the blockbuster movie role for the very first time in his career, famed for his roles in Donnie Darko and Brokeback Mountain.

Directed by Mike Newell the movie also stars Gemma Arterton, who is looking for her second big blockbuster success of 2010, Ben Kingsley, Alfred Molina and Toby Kebbell.

Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time is released 21st May.

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