Jessica Alba

Jessica Alba

Jessica Alba has called Sin City her most 'fulfilling' role.

The actress took on the role of stripper Nancy Callaghan In Robert Rodriguez's adaptation of Frank Millar's graphic novel Sin City back in 2005.

In an interview with Premiere she said: "When I was looking back at things and I had a lot of time to think about what I wanted out of my career and reassess it.

"I felt that now I'm really a woman, I'm turning a corner from playing girls into women, I look back at my career and thought about the most fulfilling experience I had had in films and really the most fulfilling was Sin City with Robert Rodriguez."

"My focus now is all about the filmmaker. I worked with Garry Marshall on Valentine's Day, he's incredible in romantic comedies, there's really no-one better.

"I worked with Michael Winterbottom on [The Killer Inside Me] and Robert Rodriguez again for Machete and then Paul Weitz on Little Fockers. My focus from here on out is about the filmmaker."

alba has already topped the box office this year as part of the ensemble cast for Valentine's Day before moving onto the controversial adaptation of The Killer Inside Me with Casey Affleck.

Alba is part of an all star cast that includes Robert De Niro, Danny Trejo, Michelle Rodriguez and Lindsey Lohan in Rodriguez's latest movie Machete, which is also directed by Ethan Maniquis.

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