John Cusack

John Cusack

John Cusack has confirmed he is set to play Edgar Allan Poe in a new murder mystery.
The High Fidelity actor will star as the horror writer in director James McTeigue's forthcoming The Raven, a fictionalised account of Poe's mysterious last days chasing a serial killer.
In a post on his Twitter.come page, Cusack announces: "Official I will play Edgar Allen Poe in fall.

"A film called The Raven, send any Poe gold my way as I begin this journey into the abyss."
Ewan McGregor and Jeremy Renner were previously in talks for the project but their parts were not specified.

It is unclear if either actor is still involved.
The period thriller is due to begin filming in autumn (10) and is set to hit theatres next year (11).


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